Thursday, May 31, 2018

Evening Show
The other day, we had an incredible sunset at our home.  It seemed that everywhere I looked, there was a magnificent view of it.  Let me take you through those few moments between day and night, when Nature put on quite the show…..
The show began with a golden glow, and rays that reached up into the blue early evening sky.
Interesting Sky
This image really made me feel that we humans are truly insignificant, when it comes to Nature in its entirety.  The vastness of the sky and what lays beyond was something I felt in my gut when I saw this scene.  The very large mountains seem tiny in the distance.  The last rays of the day burned bright until they reached the cool of the sky beyond our earth. And, in the forefront, trees that seem so much taller than we are, are dwarfed by all of this. 
Evening Rays
And, yet, there were light, almost whimsical moments in this moment.  I chose to focus on just a small piece of the wonder of this sunset, and came away with this almost happy view of warm and cool colors mixing it up in the sky
Cloud Wisps

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