Sunday, August 4, 2019

With the Flowers

Recently, while in Fredericksburg, Texas, we spent part of a morning walking through a lovely garden area, full of poppies and waterlilies.  Come walk with me…..

Along the Path

This piece is meant to capture the joy that can be found in simple pleasures, such as walking along a path, with a field of poppies on the other side.  The breeze was gentle and the poppies seem to flow and follow the path of the breeze.  I imagine someone then writing to a friend or loved one about the lovely morning stroll they had.


The waterlilies in this piece convey a sense of promise –of what is to be.  The handwriting also reminds me of a time when the handwritten word could also convey a sense of promise – of what is to be, of what a feeling will lead to.  It reminds me of those gentle times when promise fills the moment.

Field of Poppies

I always think that certain flowers just carry us to a place called “happy”.  And, poppies are one of those flowers.  On the morning that I captured this image, I processed it so that the poppies took on a softer feel, much like the breeze that moved their petals ever so gently. 


Note:  All of these images are available in a variety of sizes and formats via

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