Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sunflower Study

Sunflowers are such happy flowers!  And, I find them rather inspirational as well.  Here are a few images that I captured on a drive along the backroads around Angel Fire, New Mexico.  Just take a few moments, sit back, enjoy and reflect on some simple wonders of Nature……


I don’t really think of Albert Einstein as being known for his philosophical reflections, but this is certain one.  I know I find Nature very soothing to my soul, and it does me good to spend time immersed in it from time to time

In a Field

There was a small field of sunflowers, and this one seemed to stand out among them.  A star in its field, so to speak.  I just had to set is aside in this watercolor type painting of it.


This close-up image of a sunflower and the quote by Tolstoy really spoke to me.  It is good to spend time in Nature, to help us understand how life is meant to be.  Everyone should have a prescription for a set amount of time in Nature.


These images can be found in a variety of formats, finishes and sizes via my online gallery at

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Mountain Nature

As we explored around the back roads of Red River, NM, there were some views of nature that I thought were worth highlighting.


The colors of this mushroom really set it off from the forest floor from which it grew.  I think the wildlife in the area had already been feeding on it, but it’s still quite striking in its current state.  It speaks to me of the cycle of life that goes on all around us in nature – some of it is beautiful, and others striking in its decay.

Shades of Rocks

At first this image looks like rocks along a dry creek bed, until you realize the rocks are far too shiny and clean to be sitting dry in the forest.  The water that flowed from the top of a nearby mountain ran pure and clear – crystal clear, and truly highlighted the wonderful shades of color in the rocks at the bottom of the stream.


These images are available in a variety of finishes, formats and sizes from my gallery site –

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sights along the Backroad

You never know what lovely sights you’ll see when driving along the back roads.  Take a drive with us…..

Peaceful Gazebo

When I saw this gazebo out in a field, it reminded me of days gone by, when perhaps a young person would visit it in order to perhaps write in a journal, or as a meeting place for two young people in love.  I processed the image to evoke a feeling of nostalgia for a time in the past when, perhaps, life seemed much simpler.

Lazy Ranch Days

One of the things about driving along secondary country roads is the feeling of life slowing down and moving at a more relaxed pace.  This image is one that I captured along such a road and truly lives up to the feeling I had when traveling down a road somewhat less traveled.


Note:  These images are available in a variety of sizes and formats at 

With the Flowers

Recently, while in Fredericksburg, Texas, we spent part of a morning walking through a lovely garden area, full of poppies and waterlilies.  Come walk with me…..

Along the Path

This piece is meant to capture the joy that can be found in simple pleasures, such as walking along a path, with a field of poppies on the other side.  The breeze was gentle and the poppies seem to flow and follow the path of the breeze.  I imagine someone then writing to a friend or loved one about the lovely morning stroll they had.


The waterlilies in this piece convey a sense of promise –of what is to be.  The handwriting also reminds me of a time when the handwritten word could also convey a sense of promise – of what is to be, of what a feeling will lead to.  It reminds me of those gentle times when promise fills the moment.

Field of Poppies

I always think that certain flowers just carry us to a place called “happy”.  And, poppies are one of those flowers.  On the morning that I captured this image, I processed it so that the poppies took on a softer feel, much like the breeze that moved their petals ever so gently. 


Note:  All of these images are available in a variety of sizes and formats via