Thursday, September 28, 2017

Foto Art Friday – September 29, 2017
Autumn Raindrop
It’s rather unusual for it to be very rainy here where I live, in the desert Southwest of the US.  However, the other day, it was raining off and on all day.  When I looked out at the tree in our front yard, the leaves were all turning from green to gold.  And, in the rain, they all looked a bit bedraggled.  I did go out between showers, tho, to see if there was an image to be had.  Nothing was extremely photo-worthy, but I did notice a raindrop just hanging from the edge of a gold leaf, with brownish edges.  I decided to use a close up of that image as the foundation for this piece.  It was such a close up, it became somewhat abstract, so I decided to go with that, and just made the piece about all the different signs of autumn – leaves turning colors, from green to gold to red, bare trees waiting for winter, and birds taking wing to their winter retreats.  It’s a time of endings, and beginnings, too, depending on one’s perspective.  I’m looking forward to the change of season.
Autumn Raindrop
Credit: Bird brushes by wingsofahero
This piece in a variety of formats and sizes is available at

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