Sunday, May 22, 2022

A Collection of Beauty



A Collection of Beauty

I sometimes think that waterlilies are nature’s gentlest form of art.  I think when you take a look at these, you just may end up agreeing with me!


These two practically perfect waterlilies are twins of beauty.  Nestled so close together, they can even make one think of identical twins.  They are part of the International Watercolor Collection found in San Angelo, Texas.


This waterlily seemed to be just begging to be captured as a watercolor sketch.  Since I’m a photographer, and not someone with any drawing skills, I did the next best thing.  I converted a photographic image of this bloom into a watercolor sketch, by use of digital magic!  I should only be so lucky to be able to do this with paints and paper!


This waterlily seems to be reaching up to touch the sky.  The lighting on it could not have been more perfect, showing off not only the bloom, but the waterlily pads as well.  Nature turns out such beautiful things, if only we take a moment to look.


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