Friday, July 22, 2022

Greece's Art Inspirations


Greece’s Art Inspirations

As we traveled to a few cities in Greece, there were some true inspirations for art.  Here are but a few…



Sometimes, when I see an empty rowboat, I go back to my childhood, when I’d take a rowboat out and just row to see how things look from out on the lake where we vacationed.  I never went very far in reality, but it was always good for my imagination – I could row around the world within my mind!

 Balcony Garden

One of the charming things about Greece is how often I’d look up and see the gardens people put together on their balconies.  You could sit out in the garden and be right outside your balcony door, even if it’s on the 2nd floor (or higher)!

 Life Persists

In the midst of ancient rocks in Old Olympia, Greece, at the site of the first Olympic Games in ancient times, new life springs and persists in growing.  It doesn’t matter if it’s springing up from cracks in the rocks.  It is determined to leave its mark in the world, just as the ancient Greeks did.

No. 10 Green Door

There was something mysterious about this green door.  It looked so old, yet sturdy enough to keep out what didn’t belong.  The scroll work on the windows is a lovely piece of art in this old, worn door.  I love the inconsistencies.


Don’t some days feel like this?  You could just lie in the bottom of a boat and wait for the day to pass you by.  Daydreaming is sometimes a wonderful way to spend time.

Until next time – enjoy!

Note:  Each of the images above is available in a variety of sizes and finishes via my online gallery at






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