Saturday, May 8, 2021


Beachy Art Gallery

Here are several pieces of art inspired by the beach on Galveston Island.  Take a moment, put your feet up, grab a cup of tea or glass of wine, and enjoy.

Battling the Waves

One day, when the winds were up and the waves were pounding the beach, I saw a kayaker out in the surf, seemingly battling the waves to either stay out in the water, or subsequently, get out of the waves and to shore.  The seagulls seemed to be encouraging him to give it up for the day and head in!

Beach Access

Oh, the walk seems so long over the bridge to get to the beach, over the dune grass.  Although the bridge wasn’t terribly long, at the moment that I captured this image, it felt like we’d never get there!

Beach Dune

The day my husband and I walked the beaches of Galveston Island, the breezes created some beautifully textured sand dunes.  These small dunes complement the expanse of beach sand and the waters of the Gulf of Mexico in the distance.  Small sand ripples expand out to waves of sand and then onto the waves of water. 


It’s not often that I come across a perfectly weathered, semi-sand covered and positioned piece of driftwood.  This was one of those rare times and the overcast clouds added the subtle light that perfectly balanced sea, sky, sand and the driftwood.  The tufts of dune grass and lack of footsteps make this a perfectly peaceful setting.

Postcard from Yesterday

I saw an intimate portrait of nature when walking along the beach and used it as the foundation for this piece.  The seashells traveled from afar, and the leaf from much closer to this landing place.  It reminded me of travel, both near and far, and so I incorporated the vintage postcard to speak to the past, and whatever travels might have been.


Walking along the Galveston beaches, one of my favorite views is that of the seagulls soaring in the sky above the crashing waves.  This gull looks rather large to me, but there are several varieties, so this is apparently one of the larger ones!  In any event, I love the gull and the background of the sky.  So very uplifting.

The Beach House

One of the things that one frequently sees when traveling up or down Galveston Island, are beach houses on stilts.  The reality is that Galveston Island is a barrier island and does get flooded at times during bad storms or hurricanes, so stilted houses seem to be a requirement, at least for the newer homes.  To me, this scene evokes the peacefulness that can come with living in a beach house, somewhat removed from others almost a true island experience!


 Note:  All images are available in a variety of sizes and finishes at my online gallery at







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